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多種族家庭 依然承受異樣眼光
Mixed-Race Family Tested by Strangers
TOMS RIVER, New Jersey — “How come she’s so white and you’re so dark?”
The question tore through Heather Greenwood as she was about to check out at a store he r e . He r brown hands were pushing the shopping cart that held her babbling toddler, Noelle, all platinum curls, fair skin and ice-blue eyes.
The woman behind Mrs. Greenwood, who was white, asked once she realized, by the way they were talking, that they were mother and child. “It’s just not possible,” she charged indignantly. “You’re so . . . dark!”
It was not the first time someone had demanded an explanation from Mrs. Greenwood about her biological daughter, but it was among the more aggressive. Shaken almost to tears, she managed a reply: “How come? Because that’s the way God made us.”
The Greenwood family tree, emblematic of a growing number of American bloodlines, has roots on many continents. Its mix of races — by marriage, adoption and other relationships — can be challenging to track and can confuse even the family.
Mrs. Greenwood, 37, is the daughter of a black father and a white mother. She was adopted into a white family as a child. She married a white man with whom she has two daughters, Noelle and Sophia. Her son from a previous relationship is half Costa Rican. She also has a half brother who is white, and siblings in her adoptive family who are biracial, among a host of other close relatives — one from as far away as South Korea.
The population of mixed-race Americans like Mrs. Greenwood and her children is growing quickly, driven largely by immigration and intermarriage. One in seven new marriages is between spouses of different races or ethnicities, for example. And among American children, the multiracial population has increased almost 50 percent, to 4.2 million, since 2000.
Many mixed-race youths say they feel wider acceptance than past generations. The Greenwoods , when they are alone, strive to be colorblind. But what they face outside their home is another story. People seem to notice nothing but race. The Greenwoods’ experiences offer a telling glimpse into contemporary race relations, according to sociologists and members of other mixed-race families.
It is a life of small but relentless reminders that old tensions about race remain, said Mrs. Greenwood, a homemaker with training in social work. “People confront you, and it’s not once in a while, it’s all the time,” she said.
Jenifer L. Bratter, an associate sociology professor at Rice University in Houston who has studied multiracialism, said that as long as race continued to affect where people live, how much money they make and how they are treated, then multiracial families would be met with doubletakes. “Unless we solve those issues of inequality in other areas, interracial families are going to be questioned about why they’d cross that line,” she said.
休士頓萊斯大學社會學副教授珍妮芙‧布雷特曾經研究多種族問題。她說,只要種族問題繼續影響人們安身立命的地點、收入的多寡,以及受到怎麼樣的對待,多種族家庭就得承受異樣的眼光。她說:「如果我們不能徹底解決其他領域的不平等問題,多種族家庭就仍得因為跨越那條界線而受到質疑。 」
According to American Census data, interracial couples have a slightly higher divorce rate than same-race couples — perhaps, sociologists say, because of the heightened stress in their lives as they buck enduring norms.
“If we could just go about whatever we’re doing and not be asked anything about our family’s colors,” Mrs. Greenwood said, “that would be a dream.”
Over the summer, when Noelle scampered as usual toward a carousel, her parents in tow, the ride operator, Risa Ierra, felt free to have a little fun.
“You know this little one isn’t really theirs, right?” Ms. Ierra joked to the other people in line. “Must have been switched at the hospital.”
Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood are friendly with her, and said later that they were not offended. But the exchange was typical of remarks they hear often, even from people who seem well-meaning.
“‘Oh my God! Are they yours? Or are you their nanny?’ ” she said she was often asked. “That’s the most common thing I get,” Mrs. Greenwood said of the nanny question. “But I don’t want to go there. I don’t want to justify me being their mother to strangers.”
She is thinking about having a T-shirt made that says “Yes, I’m the mom.”
She said she is not ready to have a conversation about race with Sophia, now 7.
“I actually don’t know what to tell Sophia and Noelle when they start asking me, ‘Am I black?’ ” she said.
Silas, 18, Mrs. Greenwood’s half-Latino son from a previous relationship, started to ask race questions around age 7.
“I went up to my mom and said, ‘What am I?’ ” Silas recalled. “And, ‘What are you? Are we the same thing?’ ”
He added later, “I think my little sisters will be fine.”
Race is not something Silas says he spends a lot of time worrying about. “Barriers are breaking down,” he said.
For the moment, the matter seems simple enough for Sophia, too. She responds confidently when asked what race she is. “Tan!” says the second-grade student. “Can’t you tell by just looking?”